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    Terima kasih kepada Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Korea Selatan yang telah mengunjungi Operasi Plastik AB.
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On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Korea-Indonesia diplomatic relations,

AB Plastic Surgery will join in the efforts to promote economic cooperation.



We will work together with the Indonesian Ambassador to support the economic development of both countries.

We are committed to providing comfortable and safe surgeries for Indonesian patients.

Jam Operasional
  • Hari biasa10:00 ~ 19:00
  • Sabtu10:00 ~ 17:00
  • Jam malam10:00 ~ 21:00 (Jumat)

*Tutup pada Hari Minggu dan pada libur nasional

Operasi Plastik AB Korea

Institusi Medis : AB Plastic Surgery Gedung BLOCK 77 Lantai 2~4, 17, Seocho-daero 77-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea (Jalur No.2, Stasiun Gangnam, Pintu Keluar No.10)
Nomor Registrasi Usaha : 542-40-00868TEL : 02-512-1288 Nomer HP : +82. 10-7487-1298E-mail: indonesia.abps@gmail.com