My Plastic Surgery Story



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    Jika harus menjalani operasi lagi, aku akan tetap memilih Operasi Plastik AB.
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It has already been 9 months since I had the surgery! I really did not reealize time was flying this fast haha! At first I thought my nose really looked unnatural and extremely high, but it was mostly my major swellings which are almost gone now and I am so happy that my nose is now shaped just the way I wanted it to be :).

Also, I am really happy that most of my scar marks and the reddish area is gone! :)

I am very satisfied with the result, and If I were to have another surgery, I will definitely get it from AB~~!

Jam Operasional
  • Hari biasa10:00 ~ 19:00
  • Sabtu10:00 ~ 17:00
  • Jam malam10:00 ~ 21:00 (Jumat)

*Tutup pada Hari Minggu dan pada libur nasional

Operasi Plastik AB Korea

Institusi Medis : AB Plastic Surgery Gedung BLOCK 77 Lantai 2~4, 17, Seocho-daero 77-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea (Jalur No.2, Stasiun Gangnam, Pintu Keluar No.10)
Nomor Registrasi Usaha : 542-40-00868TEL : 02-512-1288 Nomer HP : +82. 10-7487-1298E-mail: