My Plastic Surgery Story



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    Setelah semua operasi plastik yang aku jalani di sini, lama-kelamaan tingkat kepuasanku pun terus meningkat.
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Eyes : 

It's been three months since I had the surgery, and as the time passes, I can definitely see the difference between pre-surgery and post-surgery, and I am more than happy to see the swelling reducing in a rapid pace. I used to have the scar line on my double eyelid due to the non-incisional double eyelid surgery;however I don't see that anymore and my new double eyelid line has naturally absorbed, which makes it seem like I was born with these eyes haha :)! Also, I don't have any major issues such as feeling itchy or uncomfortable after lateral and lower canthoplasty, and I am confident enough to say that I am really satisfied with the current eyes! 

Nose : 

At first, It looked like it was too unnatural and way higher than my expectation and I was kind of worried. However, as the swellings and bruises go away, it became more and more natural which I am satisfie. Furthermore, I personally think that it looks quite high from the side, but it does not look too pointy or unnatural from the front, which is the nose that I exactly wanted before the surgery. I am also happy about the fact that my alar has been reduced after the surgery~~! 

Face contouring : 

I feel like my facial line and features became comparatively vivid after 3 months since I had the surgery! :) I also don't feel any particular pain or side effects after the surgery so I really appreciate the doctor's skill and professionalism! I really think that facial contoruing is one of the surgery that really requires time until you get satisfied :). I can't wait to see the final outcome after minor swellings goes away >< 

Jam Operasional
  • Hari biasa10:00 ~ 19:00
  • Sabtu10:00 ~ 17:00
  • Jam malam10:00 ~ 21:00 (Jumat)

*Tutup pada Hari Minggu dan pada libur nasional

Operasi Plastik AB Korea

Institusi Medis : AB Plastic Surgery Gedung BLOCK 77 Lantai 2~4, 17, Seocho-daero 77-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea (Jalur No.2, Stasiun Gangnam, Pintu Keluar No.10)
Nomor Registrasi Usaha : 542-40-00868TEL : 02-512-1288 Nomer HP : +82. 10-7487-1298E-mail: